Debugging / Issues

v 3.0.0

Debugging issues

Some configuration settings

This setting will activate a logger that outputs all links from sent emails to a text file, it will also log any errors from TrackingControllerActions regarding parsing the tokens.

Values: true / false (default: false)

<add key="NewsletterStudio.Debug.LogCampaignLinks" value="true" />

Debug File Path

The path to any debug files should be created.

Value: Example: c:\temp (default: c:\temp)

<add key="NewsletterStudio.Debug.DebugFilesPath" value="C:\temp\debug" />


We log to the Umbraco Log (in the backoffice: Settings / Log Viewer). The majority of our messages are logged with the priority "Debug" so do debug using the log, make sure that your configuration is correct.

In the /config/serilog.config-file, make sure the following lines are present to view debug messages.

    <add key="serilog:minimum-level" value="Debug" />


    <add key="serilog:write-to:File.restrictedToMinimumLevel" value="Debug" />

You can also filter the log items in the Log Viewer with this search query to only see stuff related to the package:

SourceContext like '%Newsletter%' OR @Message like '%Newsletter%'