Newsletter Studio 10
Change log

For Umbraco 10


Patch-release with bugfix for unsubscribe view finder.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 10.0.13
  • Issue where ViewFinder would not find unsubscribe.cshtml from theme or global override folder (#2942).


Patch-release with minor bugfixes and enhancements.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 10.0.12
  • Issue with ReservedPaths sometimes falling back to default from CMS (#2904).

  • Improved error message and logging around SMTP Pickup Email Service Provider (#2602).


Patch-release with minor bugfixes and extensibility enhancements.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 10.0.11
  • Removed sealed from built in email editor control types to make them overridable (#2764).

  • Fixes issue with URL-casing and campaign overview report (#2797).


The List-Unsubscribe-release, where we've added support for the List-Unsubscribe header.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 10.0.10
  • Support for List-Unsubscribe header that will be added to campaigns automatically.


Release with new "file based" configuration support and some bug fixes.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 10.0.9
  • Support for file based configuration (#2724)
  • Issue with link click tracker replacing existing utm-tags (#2706).
  • Issue with deleting transactional templates (#2723)


Patch-release with fixes and improvments.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 10.0.8
  • Bouncehandler-parser to understand malformed Amazon SES-bounce emails. #2628
  • Pagination for Campaigns in Content App. Improved over all pagination and scrolling experience. #2648 & #2671
  • Google Analytics-tracking issues when overriding utm_campaign & utm_content. Also fixed issue with querystring parameter naming, changed utm_name to utm_campaign. #2649
  • Opening-tracking pixel logged error when tracking information was stripped by anti-tracking software. #2647
  • Fixed issue where invalid HTML-documents (containing html,head or body-elements inside the root body-element), might be stripped in the middle during CSS-inlining. #2624


The "rate limit"-release that includes improved error handling in the send out engine and a feature to configure a rate limit when sending via SMTP.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 10.0.6
  • Added rate limit support for built in SMTP Email Service Provider (#2493)
  • Improved error handling inside batches in send out engine. (#2537)


Patch-release with some bug fixes and additional features.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 10.0.5
  • Support for resending transactional emails (#2288)
  • CSV-export for recipients and mailing lists (#381)
  • Issue with BBC-emails when sending one single transactional email to multiple recipients. (#2489)
  • Issue with displaying recipients when a transactional email with multiple recipients was not sent as individual emails. (#2495)


Patch-release for Umbraco 10 with fixes and improvements.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 10.0.4
  • Added programmatic "ReplyTo" for transactional emails (#2286).
  • Automatically adding Newsletter Studio-paths (~/__ns/) to Umbraco reserved paths to avoid hitting ContentFinders before requests go to our controllers (#2447).
  • SQL truncation-error for nsTrackingCampaignEmail-rows with long error messages (#2435)
  • Solved preview-issue in "Import Recipients Wizard" when importing duplicated data (#1835).
  • Adjustments to Umbraco-image reader to fetch width/height from images in email editor (#2321).
  • Image Resize-issue x2 rendering in email editor (#2316)
  • Issue with back-button when running backoffice with multiple cultures (#2158).


Patch-release for issues with encoding of button-links with special characters. Added method to fetch Campaign Emails by content-key.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 10.0.3
  • ICampaignEmailService, added method to fetch campaigns by content key
  • Fixes link encoding for links in button-controls
  • Fixes link encoding for links in image-controls
  • Fixes issue with create-buttons in workspace dashboard when running in "single workspace"-mode.


Feature release with support for creating/sending campaigns programmatically.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 10.0.2
  • ICampaignEmailService and new methods on INewsletterStudioService to be able to create and send campaigns programmatically.


Patch-release with bug fixes, improvements, and support for deep links. Simple NuGet-update.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 10.0.1
  • Allowing deeplinks into apps e.g myapp://open/something or spotify:album:0sNOF9WDwhWunNAHPD3Baj
  • Styles and CSS fixes to handle changes in Umbraco-core.
  • Making Tracking-constants static to allow changes
  • Fixes issue with custom fonts only configured via theme.json
  • Handling exceptions when tracking image-URL is invalid


The first stable release of Newsletter Studio for Umbraco 10. The main changes from the beta-stage has been around the SQLite support which now supports the same features as the SQL Server-version.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 10.0.0
  • Bugs related to SQL queries using functions not supported by SQLite. Solves issues around Transactional email tracking.
  • Fixes issue where trailing slashes were being added to outgoing links when Umbraco's "UseTralingSlash" setting was used.

  • Error-message shown when adding Transactional Email Picker to Document Type.


Updated beta-release for Umbraco 10 with fixes for SQLite-support and a bugfix for the User Picker in the Workspace-administration.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 10.0.0-beta2
  • Fixes issues with SQL queries around Recipient Details for SQLite.
  • Handles Umbraco-core breaking change for User Picker


Initial beta-release for Umbraco 10.

dotnet add package NewsletterStudio --version 10.0.0-beta1